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  • Writer's pictureThree Bridges Arts

A Sacred Art

Quite a few years ago, while I was housesitting in Atlanta, GA, I had a small encounter that impacted me. The neighbors had recently relocated from California. The man (we’ll call him Tim) had just purchased his first lawnmower and was asking me about how to operate it. At first, I thought he was joking. I cannot describe my shock when I realized Tim was serious. Someone in their 30’s had never mowed a lawn? He explained that he had hired commercial companies to deal with lawn keeping, and they always got the job done quickly. Lawnmowing was a sacred act in my childhood home. My father spent hours perfectly manicuring the lawn and weed eating the edges. That evening as I processed my encounter, I thought of the two different perspectives regarding lawn keeping. Art is not much different. Art is in the doing of a thing and when we derive joy and love from our efforts, any activity can be seen as an art. Our views about commercial and fine art can be seen in the same way and are often at odds with one another. There may be more money in mowing as a business, but for my dad there is an art to the act, and that act of time, thought and preparation brings him joy. Pursue art because art fulfills you. If fame is the fulfillment, pursue that. For the artist who makes art to fulfill their spirit – don’t stop. Take the time and find the joy.

-Amanda Bridgette

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