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  • Writer's pictureThree Bridges Arts

The Art of the Process

Breadmaking is a family tradition that has been passed down to me. In my teens, my mom taught me breadmaking, but I was strictly focused on the final product. As an adult, I went through a painful event, and my mother again taught me breadmaking. It was then that I became interested in the process. These days, instead of opting for my KitchenAid mixer, I enjoy making bread by hand. I can feel the bread forming, the dough’s elasticity, when to add extra flour -- every little detail slowly comes together. As I was kneading bread this weekend, I started thinking on the similarities between my current task and what I had observed in Saturday’s Sins of a Savior rehearsal. Both require keen observation to be correctly executed. On Saturday, I watched the cast actively learn and work to properly execute choreography while the choreographer provided corrections and detailed solutions for mistakes. As the process took place, each choreography run inched closer to performance ready. In our busy world we often shoot for the goal and speed past the process that takes us there, but the truly fantastic part is the process – all the small steps working together to form an exciting result. As the summer rushes to an end, I am grateful for my mom’s wisdom to frequently re-teach me a process that had different meanings for me in various stages of life. That experience carries on to Three Bridges and our approach to education. Our goal is to foster arts education opportunities where the process is the aim, and the result is a by-product of that understanding.

-Amanda Bridgette

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